Today there are many Muslim women who wear the hijab, but the existence of the hijab which was originally interpreted as the cover of genitalia turned into a fashion trend. The development of the times has led to the emergence of the creation and innovation of the veil model so that not a few women make the veil as a daily dress. Teenagers who are experiencing periods of self-discovery become one of the targets of the transformation of the hijab model. They switch from the ordinary hijab to the hijab syar’i by reason of following Islamic law or just following fashion trends. In this phase, teenagers are trying to understand what is part of "me" and "not me", or in the world of psychology known as self-concept. Namely the process of someone in knowing and understanding themselves. This is consistent with what was stated by Barthes regarding "the language of fashion" which states that, every form of fashion must contain certain messages that the user wants to convey. Because of this, the researcher tries to find out to what extent a teenager, especially among female students at IAIN Surakarta, who wears a hijab in understanding their own concept through the clothes they wear. Where according to Willey, the self-concept is divided into two, namely positive and negative self-concepts. After knowing the self-concept of sharia hijabi students at IAIN Surakarta, it can also be seen that actions can be taken to foster and direct students to have a good (positive) self-concept. This research was conducted by survey method through the distribution of a questionnaire containing instruments about self-concept (Tennessee Self Concept Scale) developed by William H. Fitts.
Keywords: Aurat; Hijab; Hijab Syar'i Trends; Self-concept
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