An Analysis Translation Techniques in Indonesian-English Subtitle in Alice In Wonderland Movie By Indoxxi.Net

Luthfiyah Luthfiyah



Translating a text is certainly not arbitrary, it needs to pay attention to various aspects. Especially in translating in a film. In this study, the author will examine the translation technique in Indonesian-English subtitles in the film Alice in Wonderland by This study uses descriptive research related to the identification of translation techniques in Indonesian-English subtitles by INDOXXI.NET. The results are known, that in Indonesian-English subtitles in Alice in Wonderland has 11 translation techniques. There is a literal meaning, adaptation, loan, reduction, modulation, particularization, explicitation, transposition, amplification, equivalence, and compensation. After analyzing the subtitles, most of them use the literal meaning. Found almost 75% of the literal meaning for this technique. Also, we found about 8% using adaptation techniques, 7% using loan techniques. So, 10% is about other techniques, such as explicitation, equivalence, modulation, amplification, particularization, transposition, compensation, and reduction techniques

Keywords: Translation technique, film

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