Laila Afni Rambe


This article describes the cooperation agreement of the Sawahlunto Relious Court whit the BRI Bank. The backgroud of this research is the cooperation  agreement between Sawahlunto Religious Court and BRI Bank in financing the cost of case down-payment and capital expenditure that contradicts the fatwa DSN MUI Number 1 of 2004 concerning bank interest which prohibits conducting transactions with Conventional Banks based on interest caalculation. This research is a field research with data analysis method using a qualitative descriptive approach. Based on research result, the Sawahlunto Religious Court cooperation agreement with BRI Bank is included in the permiitted cooperation agreement (mubah), because it sees an emergency aspect and does not conflict with the treaty law.This article describes the cooperation agreement of the Sawahlunto Relious Court whit the BRI Bank. The backgroud of this research is the cooperation  agreement between Sawahlunto Religious Court and BRI Bank in financing the cost of case down-payment and capital expenditure that contradicts the fatwa DSN MUI Number 1 of 2004 concerning bank interest which prohibits conducting transactions with Conventional Banks based on interest caalculation. This research is a field research with data analysis method using a qualitative descriptive approach. Based on research result, the Sawahlunto Religious Court cooperation agreement with BRI Bank is included in the permiitted cooperation agreement (mubah), because it sees an emergency aspect and does not conflict with the treaty law.


Cooperation Agreement, Relegious Court, Fatwa DSN MUI.


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