This research is motivated by the number of cases of sexual harassment that have occurred in Aceh Province today, experienced by children and adolescents, especially women. In general, victims of sexual harassment are children and adolescents who are under 18 years of age, only in some cases of sexual harassment where the victim is an adult woman. As for one of the legal efforts made by the Banda Aceh Police Criminal Unit by using the Child Protection Law related to the case of children as victims of sexual harassment. The formulation of the problem in this research is what is the position of the Child Protection Law against children as victims of sexual harassment in Aceh and why Polri investigators apply the Child Protection Law instead of the Qanun in enforcing law enforcement. The aim of this research is to find out and explain the position of the Child Protection Law against children as victims of sexual harassment in Aceh and to find out and explain that Police Investigators apply the Child Protection Law compared to Qanun in enforcing law enforcement. This research is a field research (field research) using qualitative methods that collect data through observation and interviews. When vi ewed from the use of laws used by investigators of the Banda Aceh Police Criminal Investigation Unit from 2018 to September 2020 with a total of 45 cases both completed and in the process of investigation and investigation, all using the Child Protection Law, none. using both the Qanun and the Criminal Code. If the investigator applies the Qanun for perpetrators of sexual violence against children and it is feared that a potential conflict or problem will occur between the victim and the perpetrator if the investigator continues to use the Qanun , that perpetrators of sexual violence against children will be sentenced to imprisonment instead of being punished by caning so that This is considered to provide a sense of justice for the victim and will have a deterrent effect on the perpetrator.
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