MANUSIA DAN KEDUDUKANNYA: Pemikiran Alfred North Whitehead tentang Antropologi
Whitehead‟s thought is fundamental issues that interest and
influence over the years. This leads to be categorized as a contemporary
philosophy. Whitehead‟s thought about human being and his position
is described as follows: (1) Human being is a part of nature; according
to Whitehead, human body and the surrounding world are closely
related and real. (2) Human being is Dynamic Creatures; according to
Whitehead, the essence of one's existence lies in how active, how
creative, and how innovative he is in using his past for a new
manifestation of his life which gives the intensity of life experiences
more deeply. (3) Human being Lives From and For Others; according
to Whitehead, it refers to a “transition" or macroscopic process.
Building relations with others is not only something that is accidental,
but also something that is essential for every provider.
I. Pendahuluan
Full Text:
Alois Nugroho 2001 Fungsi Rasio (Alfred North Whitehead). Kanisius
Mudhofir, Ali. 2001. Kamus Flsafat Barat. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta.
Sudarminta, J., 1991 Filsafat Proses Sebuah Pengantar Sistematik
Filsafat Alfred North Whitehead. Kanisius.Yogyakarta.
Whitehead, Alfred North. 1967 .Modes of Thought. The Free Press.
New York.
Whitehead, Alfred North.1979. Process and Reality. The Free Press.
New York.
Zubair, Achmad Charis. 2002. Dimensi Etik dan Asketik Ilmu
Pengetahuan Manusia. LESFI, Yogyakarta.
diunduh: 23 Desember 2015
dalam-pemikiran-alfred-north-whitehead / di unduh
:25 Februari 2015.
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