MEMBACA AL-QUR’AN DENGAN HATI YANG TERPADU: Studi Kritis atas Hadis Riwayat Muslim dari Jundab bin Abdullah al-Bajali
The source of conflict within Muslim community is not
coming from Qur’an, but from its reader. The situation is contributing
to rising conflict within every Muslims that believed Qur’an as
guidance (huda), explanation (bayyinat), and distinguishing (furqon).
Those conflicts should be terminated through going back to the
Qur’an as form of confirmation (tabayyun), not confrontation
(tafarraqu, taba’adu, and tanaza’u), in order that Muslim
communities have not avoiding the plurality of their realities and that
requisite conflict and controversy. Thereby the study making sense to
the reader because Hadits believed as the second source of Islamic
law after the Qur’an which is functioned as bayan tafsr, bayan taqrir,
and bayan tasyri’ of the Qur’an, giving instruction to stay away from
the Qur’an when the disagreement (ḥilafiyat) emerged. In order to
know the Hadis could be used as hujjah or not, the study covered:
takhrij al-hadis, i’tibar as-sanad, naqd as-sanad (critic of sanad),
naqd al-matn (critic of matan).
Full Text:
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