Khusaeri Khusaeri


Sheikh Nawawi was born in 1815 by the name Abu „Abd al-
Mu‟thi Muhammad Nawawi Ibn „Umar al-Tanari Al-Bantani al-Jawi. As
his name implies, Java Island was his birthplace. It was in the village of
Tanara in Banten district of West Java. When he was fifteen, the sheikh
engaged in a pilgrimage to Mecca and he found interests in the
scientific life there in the Holy City for the Muslims. Drawn to the
liking of intellectual life as religious scholar in Mecca, the sheikh
decided to deepen his religious study in the city for three years. When
the sheikh journeyed for his second pilgrimage to Mecca, he decided to
continue his study and to be the permanent resident of the Holy City.
During his scholarly life, Sheikh Nawawi had authored 99 to 115
religious books with various topics and themes. As the sheikh was the
disciple of Madhhab Shafi‟i, the religious books he authored were of
the madhhab. In his discussion on taklif and mukallaf, those bearing
the taklif, for instance, the sheikh said that the taklif from Allah never
burdens mankind; the taklif is always in concordance with the abilities
men possess (Al-Baqarah 286).


Nawawi, taklif, mukallaf

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Amin dan M. Nashruddin Anshory Ch.”Pemikiran Syekh Nawawi al-

Bantany”, dalam Pesantren. No. 1/Vol. VI/1989.

Karel A. Steenbrink. Beberapa Aspek tentang Islam di Indonesia Abad

Ke-19. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang. 1984.

Syeck Nawawi Banten. Marah Labid Tafsir al-Munir. Terjemahan

Chatibul Umam dan Nur Muhammad Ahmad dengan

judul: Tafsir Munir. Jakarta: Darul Ulum Press. 1989.

Tim Penulis IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Ensiklopedi Islam Indonesia.

Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. 1992.

Zamakhsyari Dhofier. Tradisi Pesantren. Jakarta: LP3ES. 1982.

Syekh Nawawi al Bantany. Nihayatuzzain Syarah Quratul „ain

Bimuhimmatiddin. Bungkul Indah. Surabaya.

Al-Syeikh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani. Kasyifat al-Saja. Semarang :

Usaha Keluarga. t.t. selanjutnya disebut Kasyifah al-Saja.

Al-Syeikh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani. Mirqat Shu‟ud al-Tashdiq.

Al-Qahirah : al-Babi al-Halabi. 1343 H. Selanjutnya disebut

Mirqat Shu‟ud.

Wahbah al-Zuhaili. Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh. Damsyiq : Dar al-

Fikr. 1985. Jilid I.

Muhammad Ibn Idris al-Syafi‟I, al-Umm I, Beirut : Dar al-Fikr. 1990.

Muhammad Zakaria al-Bardisi. Ushul al-Fiqh. Al-Qahirah : Dar al-

Tsiqafah. Lihat juga Bahjah al-Wasa‟il



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