Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Dana Perimbangan terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia

Anim Rahmayati, Imanda Firmantyas Pertiwi


This study aims to examine the effects of local revenue and balancing
funds consisting of general allocation funds, special allocation funds and
revenue-sharing funds on the human development index of district
governments/ city in Central Java. The level of Human Development
Index in Central Java from year to year has fluctuated changes in
the increase and including the medium category.The research method
used in this is quantitative research using multiple linear regression
analysis tools. The sample used in this study is the district government
financial statements in Central Java during 2015-2016 which
amounted to 70. The result of the research shows that the original
income of the region influences the human development index. While
general allocation funds, special allocation funds and profit-sharing
funds have no effect on the human development index. This indicates
that the fulfillment of education, health and poverty eradication needs
in Central Java can be met from the local revenue in each district

Keywords: Local original revenue, general allocation fund, special allocation fund, profit-sharing fund, human development index

JEL Classification: H61, H77

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