Financial Accessibility of Small and Medium Enterpraise (SMEs) in Surakarta City

Muhammad Luqman Hakim, Mardhiyatur Rosita Ningsih


Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) is priority economics sector until 65 percent in Indonesia. It had been priorities focus of government policy to financial access in banking helped SMEs. The research is aim to analyze the influence of SMEs Characteristic, Financial Literacy, and Lending Term toward Financial Accessibility SMEs in Surakarta city. The research had sample from SMEs registered in SMEs government in Surakarta city is 100 sample. Sample of the research with  proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Methodology in this research is regression. The Result of this research state that the SMEs Characteristics, Financial Literacy, and Lending term positif toward Financial Accessibility.

Keyword: Financial Accessibility, Financial Literacy, Lending Term, SMEs Characteristics

JEL Classification Codes: G32, L22,L26,

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