The Effect of Organizational Culture, Work Environment and Satisfaction On Motivation and Job Promotion

Sudarmo Sudarmo, M Hatta, Saiful Anwar


This study was conducted due to differences in the study results, Julianto,
Romi Haryo dan Hendriani, Susi (2014) and Afifah et al., (2017) show that
satisfaction effect to the motivation, in other hand Faysica et al., (2016) put
forward different results. This study aims to re-examine satisfaction with
adding variable: work environment and job satisfaction with two Y variable 
(motivating and promotion) at PT. Altrak 1978 Balikpapan.
The sampling technique used a questionnaire that is a sample of 93
respondents, random sampling and The data were analyzed using used
multiple regression analysis with SPSS 21.
The results of multiple regression test 1, that work culture, work environment
and job satisfaction significantly influence employee work motivation. The
results of multiple regression test 2, the organizational culture, work
environment and job satisfaction are significant to the promotion of position
and job satisfaction is significant to the promotion of position.


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