Sengketa Harta Waris: Tinjauan Perbandingan Hukum Waris Berdasarkan Naskah Hukum Waris

Nurfitri Okinawa, Asep Yudha Wiraja


The trend of increasing the number of disputes dispute assignment in religious courts at least shows that the dispute over the distribution of the estate remains a special polemic for people's lives. The unification of unruly inheritance was also a contributing factor to the increasing number of petitions of the heir to the court. Indeed, the problem of distribution of intangible assets that is not done fairly will potentially damage fraternity. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to look back at the wisdom of our ancestors in addressing the problems of the inheritance law dispute. One can be found in the manuscript "that will be the inheritance of the dead" can at least be used as a jurisprudence to the settlement of the estate dispute. Hopefully, with such jurisprudence will be able to provide alternative solutions for the establishment of heirs. Moreover, with the discovery of the jurisprudence records will also be used as a consideration material to immediately realize the unification of the inheritance law, hopefully will also be able to reduce property disputes.


inheritance law; dispute; comparison

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