Collaboration of the Method of Iqro’’ and Tsaqifa for Al-Qur'an Learning in the Group of Hajj and Umrah Worship Guidance at Karanganyar

Dinar Bela Ayu Naj'ma


This research aims to elaborate the collaboration between Iqro’' method and Taqifa method for teaching learning process of reciting al-Qur’an in Hajj & Umrah Guidance Group at the great mosque Karanganyar Regency, Central Java year 2020. The research method is used descriptive qualitative. There are three research findings. They are (1) the implementation of  Iqro’' method in teaching learning process of reciting al-Qur’an is the most effective method for prospective pilgrims in Hajj & Umrah Guidance Group at the great mosque Karanganyar Regency because of Iqro’' method is able to appear self-motivation to recite al-Qur’an in Hajj & Umrah Group  or at home well. Iqro’' method is able to encourage the participants for learning al-Qur’an because of asatidzs guide them to recite Iqro’' by using tones. (2) Teaching learning process of al-Qur’an by using Tsaqifa method is the most effective way to help studying through Iqro’'. (3) Collaboration usage to recite al-Qur’an by Iqro’' method and Tsaqifa method is more effective to be fluency the process of teaching learning al-Qur’an than using those methods separately.


Study of reading al-Qur’an; Iqro’’ Method; Tsaqifa Method

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