Sarkasme pada Media Sosial Twitter dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA

siska lutfi yani


This research is a sarcasm on Twitter social media. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of sarcasm on Twitter social media and to describe the implications of learning Indonesian in high school. The approach used in this research is to use a qualitative approach, the method used is the equivalent method. The data is obtained by reading the social media account comments column @ fadlizon then recording words and sentences containing the style of sarcasm and analyzed. The results of this study use the Elizabeth Camp theory there are 4 types of sarcasm, namely designation sarcasm, lexical sarcasm, sarcasm and illocutionary sarcasm by finding 24 data and then implicated in Indonesian language learning in high school class X semester II curriculum 2013.


Keywords: Sarcasm, twitter, Indonesian language learning.


sarkasme, twitter, pembelajaran bahasa indonesia

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