Afifah Rahma R, Dewi Rahmawati


The development of the era of globalization has positive and negative impacts like two sides of a coin that are close together and interconnected. This paper is motivated by the era of globalization which has gradually influenced morals and ethics in social life. Immoral cases started by the community including children, such as brawls, children's ignorance of good parental advice, cases of bullying, and other negative things. Therefore it is important to review moral education that is simple but full of meaning, as contained in the classic book "Mitero Sejati". This paper aims to analyze the contents of the “Mitero Sejati” book which contains advice and material on moral education. The method used is a qualitative research library method with a hermeneutic approach and with the object of the book "Mitero Sejati. The conclusion of this study is the content of the book contains moral education especially social morals like moral towards parents, towards friends, moral interact and morals to other people.

Keywords: education; social morals; child; Mitero Sejati

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