This article discussed about the epistemology of the
contemporary Qur’anic interpretation. As the holy book which is
shâlih likulli zaman wa makan, Qur’an would always be understood
by Muslim scholars in order to be able to find out its various
meanings. In those processes of comprehension, human being as both
reader and interpreter has very important roles. He/she will then
formulate various methods to be able to understand practically, in
order that God’s ideas and meanings being able to be reach
comprehensively. Furthermore, this article showed that contemporary
Qur’an hermeneutic, as well as formulated by Fazlur Rahman, Amin
al-Khuli, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, be possible to be used In
understanding the Holy Qur’an comprehensively. Just like the
hermeneutic approach from the western thinkers, such as Gadamer.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22515/ajpif.v12i2.1173
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