AGAMA DI TENGAH KONFLIK SOSIAL: Tinjauan Sosiologis Atas Potensi Konflik Keberagaman Agama di Masyarakat

Nur Kafid


The study aims to describe public perception about the
reality of religious diversity, with the main focus on the dynamic and
process of emerging religious‟ sentiment in the daily lives. The existence
of non-Islamic religious believers within Muslim majority community,
have always getting serious concern, from their religious activities up to
their social relations. The attitude of tolerance were still resided on the
human relation level, and were not touched yet on the awareness level
about the essence of the religious diversities‟ itself. As its consequences,
various friction and restlessness were always emerged and caused
disharmony relation among them. Furthermore, various prejudices were
always rising that any social activities done by them (non-Islamic
believer) have assessed as part of their effort of Christianization.


Perception, symbol, and disharmony

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