M. Rofiq Junaidi


To study Hadis, authenticity, validity, and reliability of the
method are very fundamental dimension. The doubt of some of the
Muslim scholars on the role of Hadis as second aurthorized source
after Qur‟an were not fully related to their resistances to Sunnah, but
more on the doubt to the accuracy of method which is used to decide
the originality of Hadis. The study on the authetification of Hadis
which is done by Harald Moztki started from the data analysis on the
book of al-Musannaf written by Abdurrazzaq As-Shan‟ani. According to
Moztki, the book of al-Musannaf is documentation of Hadis which is
very authentic since 1st Century of Hijriyah. It meant there was real
evidence that Islamic Lawa has exis at the time. This finding directly
brought down Moztki predecessor, G.H.A. Juynboll J. and projecting
back of Schacht that stated that Sanad‟s system started from the 2nd
century of Hiriyah.


Otentifikasi Hadis, originalitas hadis, dan sistem sanad

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22515/ajpif.v12i1.1184


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