Inclusivism as one of several approaches to understanding the relationship
between religions, asserts that while one set of beliefs is true, other sets of beliefs are at
least partially true. This concept also put the precedence kind of thought and not the
prejudice. Inclusivism would be a logical consequence as the logic of universal humanity
is inclusivism itself. In response to the question of the truth of religious traditions, we
can use some of the principal approaches, namely: exclusivism, inklusivism, and
pluralism. The exclusivism’s view is very extreme, because it claims that the truth is
just on their own. While pluralism is a moderate form of relativism in which says that
all religions are true. It is very important to grow inclusivism in religion in this case
for its followers. This is in accordance with the recommendation ulama' (isamic
scholars of 'NU) in National Conference of Ulama’ on 15-16 November 1997 in
Cilacap, central Java.
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