Jenis – Jenis Tanda Dalam Penokohan Cerpen “Syamsyūn Al- Jabbār” Karya Kāmil Kīlani (Kajian Semiotika Charles Sander Pierce)

Anasmilah Masitoh



The types of signs in the Characterization of the Short Story of Syamsyūn Al-Jabbār by Kāmil Kīlanī (Charles Sander Pierce's Semiotic Studies). This study discusses the types of signs contained in the short story Syamsyūn Al-Jabbār by Kāmil Kīlanī. The purpose of this study is to describe the types of signs in the characterization of the short story Syamsyūn Al-Jabbār. The theory used in this study is the semiotics of Charles Sanders Pierce, known as the triangle theory of signs, namely: representamen, object, and interpretant. Pierce also divides the types of signs based on their objects into three, namely: icons, indexes, and symbols. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, namely examining the contents of the document. The results of this study are that there are three types of signs in Syamsyūn Al-Jabbār's short story that show characterizations, namely: icons, indexes, and symbols. The characterizations consist of Syamsyūn Al-Jabbār, Jamilah, Sultan, Dalilah, Blacksmith, and Minister. The signs are scattered on the 6 characters of the short story. There are 4 figures who have these three signs including Syamsun, Sultan, Dalilah, and Jamilah. As for the 2 figures who do not have these three marks, namely the blacksmith and the minister.


Keyword : Short Story Syamsyūn Al-Jabbār,  Charles Sander Pierce's Semiotic

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