Pengaruh Intellectual Capital dan Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Bank di Indonesia

Jadzil Baihaqi


This study examines the impact of intellectual capital and corporate governance mechanism on banks’ performance both directly and also moderated effect. We used banks that were listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The bank’s performance was measured by risk-based bank rating while intellectual capital was measured by the coefficient of VAICTM (Pulic, 1998). The corporate governance mechanism was measured based on the size of boards of directors, the composition of independent director, CEO remuneration, managerial ownership, the effectiveness of audit committee and ownership concentration. The result of the study shows that banks’ performance was positively influenced by intellectual capital. However, corporate governance mechanism did not influence the banks’ performance, while the moderation effect of corporate governance mechanism on the relationship between intellectual capital and banks’ performance was not confirmed.

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