Pengaruh Faktor Fundamental Perusahaan Terhadap Price to Book Value

Maryati Rahayu, Bida Sari


The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of company fundamental factor on Price to Book Value, by taking samples to manufacture companies the industrial sector consumer goods who registered at the Indonesian stock exchange the period 2015 – 2018 as many as 15 companies. Based on t-test known investment decision, which is proxied by price earning ratio, capital structure which are proxied by debt to equity ratio, profitability which are proxied by return on asset ratio and size that influence the price to book value significantly. While institutional ownership has no effect on price to book value. Based on the ANOVA test (F-test)) there are significant influences of investment decision, capital structure (DER), profitability (ROA), institutional ownership, and size on the price to book value. The results of the coefficient of determination it can be concluded that the fifth of the independent variable affecting price to book value of 59,5%, while the rest 40,5% can be explained by other factors that is not incorporated into research.

Key words : PER, DER, ROA, Institutional Ownership,Size, Price to Book Value

JEL Classification Codes: G23, L25, L60, M41, O16, L69

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