Yohanna Nirmalasari


Listening skills are language skills that affect the development of language learning, especially for second language learners. In the learning process of listening skills, mistakes often occur. This can happen because of the influence of the first language on the second language learning process. This study aims to describe the sound errors by observing beginner BIPA learners from China who do not use the alphabet in their first language. This research is a text analysis research which analyzes the sound errors by listening to BIPA students' writing. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that there are three categories of sound errors, namely changes in the sound at the beginning of the word, the middle of the word, and the end of the word. Each of these categories has changes, omissions, and even added sounds. (1) In the mistakes at the beginning of words, learners make many mistakes in bilabial, dental, and velar inhibitory sounds. (2) For errors in the middle of a word, learners made many mistakes in inhibiting, nasal, vibrating, and lateral sounds, as well as removing nasal sounds and adding vibrating consonants. (3) In the error at the end of the word, the learner removes the final consonants of the inhibiting and fricative sounds, as well as changing the nasal sound, the fricative sound becomes a vibration, and the glotal fricative sound becomes a dental plosive sound.


sound change, sound addition, sound deletion, BIPA

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