This study discusses the collection of poems “Mata Air Di Karang Rindu” Tjahjono Widarmanto work using a semiotic approach. This approach is an attempt to uncover the sign contained in a collection of poems in the form of symbols. This study aims to describe cultural symbols and symbols of literature. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques: collecting, reading, and studying books related research.The results of the discussion show that there are cultural symbols that include language, objects, colors, and actions. Literary symbols such as visual imagery, motion images and auditory images. Language symbols are used to display the terms in affirming and clarifying the religious nature. The language symbol also contains a mandate always remember the death that must be experienced by all living things. Literary symbols in the form of images are used to imagine death so that the reader has a picture in his mind about the process of death that becomes the decree of God.
Keywords: semiotics, literature, poetry, symbols.
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