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Issue Title
Vol 1, No 1: June 2021 A character building effort for students in Barokah Nandan Sukoharjo Boarding School through three success programs: Alim faqih, Akhlakul karimah and Mandiri Abstract   PDF
Alfian Ubaidillah Alfauzi, Siti Choiriyah
Vol 1, No 2: December 2021 Communication and Mathematic reasoning: Theory of planned behavior and inquiry Abstract   PDF
Abdul Aziz, Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno
Vol 1, No 2: December 2021 Development of the Alpha female character through habits based on Islamic education perspective Abstract   PDF
Ayu Fitria Nur Utami, Yusup Rohmadi
Vol 1, No 1: June 2021 Error analysis of undergraduate students’ writing performances: IELTS-based activities Abstract   PDF
Novrika Nartiningrum, Pusfika Rayuningtya, Diska Fatima Virgiyanti
Vol 1, No 2: December 2021 Flipping the classroom to promote higher order thinking skill: A case of Chinese undergraduate students Abstract   PDF
Ariani Selviana Pardosi, Liu Yue Ming
Vol 1, No 2: December 2021 Implementation of tahfizhul Qur'an learning at PPTQ Griya Qur'an 3 Putri Klaten Abstract   PDF
Hastini Hastini, Maslamah Maslamah
Vol 1, No 1: June 2021 Indonesian learners in Australian education environment: perceptions, challenges, and resilience Abstract   PDF
Diana Purwati, Arnis Silvia
Vol 1, No 1: June 2021 Optimizing the role of informal learning in the perspective of Islamic education during the Covid-19 pandemic Abstract   PDF
Annisa Arsya Wardani, Toto Suharto
Vol 1, No 2: December 2021 Philippines teachers’ beliefs on digital teaching competence in post-pandemic recovery: Still prefer online? Abstract   PDF
Tyzl N. Alcontin
Vol 1, No 1: June 2021 Scrutinizing the potential use of Discord application as a digital platform amidst emergency remote learning Abstract   PDF
Endang Wahyuningsih, Baidi Baidi
Vol 1, No 1: June 2021 Students’ interest in Arabic language learning: the roles of teacher Abstract   PDF
Juryatina Juryatina, Amrin Amrin
Vol 1, No 2: December 2021 Video-based flipped learning in higher education: Effects on students’ learning motivation, attitudes, and engagement Abstract   PDF
Mariam Haghegh, Arif Nugroho
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